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Last edit: 21:38, 3 April 2020


Duties (draft)[wikitext]


Analyzing the amalgamated Data regarding recommendations

Answering Questions regarding to recommendations: -Are signs useful? -How to improve signage -Should we have consistency

Making inferences from the majority results / Collaborating a list of general recommendation ideas / Editing the Recommendation Section /Inspecting that there is consistency of our material with the content by other teams


According to data gathered collectively as a class it can be established that a trash problem exists at UBCO on both a policy level and individual level. Disposal patterns suggest insinuating that policy reform is needed at UBCO to enhance effective disposal and sorting behaviours. Many trends analyzed in the class data will be examined in order to find solutions for proper disposal behaviours. We will suggest several recommendations in order to improve disposal accordingly.

Signage and Consistency[wikitext]

Firstly, one of the main recommendation is regarding signage for improving consistency. Particularly, implementation of the same bin types alongside consistent signage in every disposal area of the building would greatly improve disposal behaviours and accuracy. For instance, most participants who answered the question about consistency in the survey agreed that consistency across campus is needed to ensure proper disposal. Likewise, when asked if signage was useful most participants responded that it was. Only a small percentage of participants in the survey said no improvement was needed. Mostly signage was seen as useful, and does not need improvement. However, consistency on signage across campus would major way to improve sorting efficacy across UBCO campus according to this data. It should be noted that faculty and students also had issues locating bin types on campus. Specifically, many participants seemed confused about the locations of bins or were not aware compost existed. As a result, having consistency across campus would improve the locating accuracy. Consistency would instigate familiarity and make for easier locating, which in turn, would promote more effective disposal. Further, a majority of results suggested many individuals did not sort properly because of confusion, and consistency could greatly reduce this confusion through implementing such familiarity.

insert picture of signage displayed on campus as an example here**

Introduction of Waste Strategies[wikitext]

Another way to potentially promote familiarity to proper disposal categories could be achieved through campus-wide introduction of proper waste strategies (i.e. education about bin types that exist on campus). With this in mind, a goal should be to educate students and staff on campus about the impact of improper disposal. Ignorance about where trash ends up plays a detrimental role around improper waste disposal and could greatly be reduced by implementing education about waste strategies and waste in general.


Analyzing the amalgamated data regarding recommendations

Answering questions: -Which bin type items are people worst at sorting? --> This was compost --> so recommendation for this. -How many are confused -Reason for confusion -Reasons for not sorting

Making inferences from the majority results / Collaborating a list of general recommendation ideas / Editing the recommendation section / Inspecting that there is consistency of material with the content by other teams

SimoneSchuster (talk)06:36, 2 April 2020

Please see feedback for the outline in the comments section of the assignment.

LindsayDer (talk)09:57, 3 April 2020

Thanks Lindsay, we saw the feedback and will implement it as we work through our draft.

For Mikayla: I added more for my section in regard to introducing waste strategies - if you were already planning on mentioning it, feel free to add any information in this regard as well.

It would be good to have a header for each recommendation so it flows nicely and is legible. Let me know if you agree!

SimoneSchuster (talk)21:36, 3 April 2020

Your conclusion sub-heading appears to be bold. Please remove the bold formatting as it is creating inconsistency in the appearance of the Table of Contents.

LindsayDer (talk)02:08, 7 April 2020