Real vs. Perceived Sorting Behaviours

Hey guys! I will provide context and analysis on the sorting behavior I will also provide infographics. I will like other pasty studies and also offer brief explanations of how campus garbage behaviors operated with a personal-logical contextual analysis. (why they did what they did)

DushunWilson (talk)06:28, 2 April 2020

Please see feedback for the outline in the comments of the assignment.

LindsayDer (talk)09:37, 3 April 2020

Hey! Sorry this is last minute but our group noticed in the pie chart on correctly sorted coffee cups the number in the chart 83% and it was found to be 86%, and this was the correctly sorted number not incorrect. The numbers on the tea bag chart are also reversed. It would probably be best if the numbers matched on all three including wooden utensils as well. Thank you, Team Sorting Efficacy

JohnOlafsen (talk)17:37, 8 April 2020

Thank you for letting me know! I think that I have corrected everything that needs to be changed. Let me know if you notice anything else!

HannahMarieThompson (talk)00:16, 9 April 2020