Background Team

Background Team

Group Discussion:

LaurenProctor (talk)21:24, 29 March 2020
Edited by author.
Last edit: 21:30, 31 March 2020

Both Finding Sources > Lauren: find (minimum 3 articles for literature review - total 6 - outside and peer-reviewed sources). Section will be on previous studies conducted at the University of British Columbia(Okanagan)+ other campuses. Analyzing past studies to be able to relate it to current research or why we are continuing to study this on campus. This should help to show any correlational data from past years. Both will edit and review on a google doc and Wiki page.

LaurenProctor (talk)21:21, 31 March 2020

Both will find around 3 sources for a minimum total of 6 peer-review sources. Tyra: find a minimum of 3 garbology articles from outside, peer-review sources to compare other studies to our current study. As well, define and explain garbology. Both will edit and review our drafts on both a google docs and the Wiki page

TyraHollenzer (talk)21:26, 31 March 2020

Hey Guys, sounds good. Will be posting my work either today or tomorrow. looking forward to your feedback.

CamilleMorissette (talk)23:13, 2 April 2020

See outline feedback in the assignment comments.

LindsayDer (talk)07:07, 3 April 2020

Hi Guys, so sorry. I thought it was only Tyra and I in the group. We can redivide if we have to? What are your thoughts?

LaurenProctor (talk)20:40, 5 April 2020

Make sure to add a lead in for your section where it says insert text here.

LindsayDer (talk)01:52, 7 April 2020

Please make sure the citations are done according to the procedure in the References discussion thread.

LindsayDer (talk)08:11, 7 April 2020

Added my references. Lead section was added.

CamilleMorissette (talk)18:59, 8 April 2020

Added references section. Lead was also added.

CamilleMorissette (talk)19:01, 8 April 2020