Compliments and Suggestions

Compliments and Suggestions

This was an incredibly interesting wiki page to read! You were super knowledgable and included amazing sources to help further your points. I thought your mention of stereotypes through rape culture was spot on and you backed up all your ideas with facts. I think one thing you could add to your paragraph about rape culture on campus and your inclusion of Brock Turner as an example could be the the girl who he sexually assaulted's perspective (Chanel Miller). She has a very interesting youtube video that touches on all of the things that she went through during the court case and all of the backlash she received from rape culture in return from the media. She originally was named Emily Doe to keep her confidentiality and the difference in the media coverage from then until she declared herself as the victim was very shocking. Here is the link: The video is disturbing but very interesting and fully demonstrates the ideals rape culture supports. Awesome work!

DelaneyMcBride (talk)23:42, 29 November 2019