

Hey, your article topic really resonated with me! I love superhero movies, and have often felt that representation was missing especially in terms of Asian, female and queer superheroes. It frustrates me to no end when film studios hint at characters being queer, but never confirm it (like Captain Marvel and Valkyrie).

I have a few suggestions to make:

I think that your sources could be better documented. Here is an easy site to do so: . I noticed that many of your sources are missing things that are easy to find like the article title, the publisher name, the author and the date accessed. For example, your cite note #2 reads " "Polymath: An Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Journal". November 2, 2018. ", which doesn't tell us anything about the name of the article (Black Widow: Female Representation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) or the authors (Madelaine Gerard, Mark Poepsel).

You might want to review the tone of a few sections of your article, like this one in the section "Body Image": "To start I will mention that when researching the representation of body image in superhero movies, when I searched online, the first page of search finds were all articles on male body image and not a single one was on how women’s bodies are represented." Wiki articles are usually factual and you don't use "I". This sentence is more appropriate for a persuasive essay.

In your introduction, you have a few statements that are not backed up by any evidence. "Movies play a very strong role in shaping cultural and social opinions of generations through the way characters and storylines are represented, which is what makes this topic such an important area of discussion." "In the current generation, young adults and younger children are so heavily immersed in the world of media and online social platforms and are therefore the most highly influenced by this ever-expanding culture." Although I agree with these statements and I think many people agree as well, since this is a wiki article you might want to find some journal article or other evidence to support them. For example, maybe there is a study showing the increase of the movie industry over the years, or a study showing people who watch action shows tend to take more risks, something like that.

LiaPennefather (talk)04:57, 28 November 2019