Compliments and Suggestions

Compliments and Suggestions

Hi there! I enjoyed your wiki topic very much and thought that it is very relevant to today's cinematic movement. I liked that you talked about women in superhero movies both prior to 2000 and after, as I think that comparing recent improvements is an important thing to acknowledge. A couple more of things I found most interesting about your wiki was that you brought up the notion of body image in women superheroes, and that a plus-size female heroine is something that presently doesn't exist. I didn't know that there was talk of a potential superhero that is plus-size but I am interested to see if this movie does go into production. I also found very interesting your argument that the differences between male and female superhero powers are quite significant. As you said, males usually have super strength or super speed, whereas heroines have telepathy, or sonic screaming which have nothing to do with strength or physical ability.

Just a couple suggestions I could provide to you are: -2 grammar mistakes, one is under "character status", and the word "examples" is plural when I think you mean for it to read "this is just one example" instead of "one examples". The other is under the "body image" title, and appears halfway through. It reads "this can cause problems by may lowering..." (I think you want to take out the word "may"). -There is also a floating bracket after "they all revolve around men" under the "early stages" subtitle, I'm not sure if this is meant to be there. -One last potential suggestion would be to add some pictures. This is of course not necessary but I think because so many viewers would be familiar with superheroes it would only catch their eye more and bring them in

MikaylaWeissler (talk)22:28, 27 November 2019