Peer feedback

Peer feedback

Hi there,

Well done on your wiki page! You provided a cohesive and concise overview of immigrant and refugee mental health that was highly interesting to read. I particularly enjoyed the section on social determinants of mental health and could relate to many of the factors highlighted as a member of an immigrant and refugee community myself. I still remember that when my family moved to Canada, my dad was so stressed about getting re-certified by Canadian professional bodies while earning enough on the side to run the family that he relapsed with his chain smoking habit (in secret).

My first suggestion is to be more specific with certain ideas by citing statistics or examples from quantitative or qualitative studies or reports. For example, in the utilization of health care resources section, you can provide some rates of usage of different kinds of mental health services or prioritize which variables seem to be the most important (if this data is available). You’ve done this well in the mental illnesses section Ex. “Immigrant women are at two to three times the risk of their Canadian-born counterparts for postpartum depression” and “10 times the rate of post-traumatic stress disorder as well as elevated rates of depression, chronic pain and other somatic complaints.” More of this type of concrete detail in other sections would really round out the reader’s understanding of the topic.

My second suggestion is to make sure to reference all the ideas mentioned. For example, in the migration-associated risk factors section, the pre-migration and post-migration paragraphs are not cited.

All in all, great job! Well-researched and presented.

NivedhaRaveinthiranathan (talk)15:00, 1 March 2019