Wiki Discussion- Discrimination in Movies and Acting

Wiki Discussion- Discrimination in Movies and Acting


I can see that you are starting to divide your ideas with the headings you provided in your draft. I have a few suggestions that I think can help you narrow down the broad topic. Discrimination in the media has been a widely discussed topic and we've definitely seen a shift from the past to the present. I think it might be important for you to focus on movies/media from a specific culture or industry. For example, discrimination in Asian films is completely different from discrimination in America or the Western movies. Since media exists everywhere, it will be easier for you to pinpoint research or facts on specific examples of discrimination by narrowing it down to one part of the world. I think it's good to continue to explore the role of directors and scriptwriters when you explore factors that shape media discrimination. Their roles can often have a significant impact on who or what is represented in a movie. My last suggestion would be to add visuals and links to specific movie examples to engage your audience on the wiki page. Good luck!

TinbleChu (talk)04:55, 27 July 2019