A few suggestions

A few suggestions


I really like your topic! I think there a few things you could branch off into. In Hollywood, for example, you could talk about the way older actresses are discriminated against and how ethnic minorities are underrepresented. The first suggestion is something I've heard in interviews from older actresses (I think Susan Sarandon might have said that at some point), but the lack of representation for brown people is often astounding. For example, if you've seen the Avatar - The Last Airbender movie, the cast is almost entirely caucasian even though the story is primarily based in Japan. Similarly, in Prince of Persia, the prince is played by Jake Gyllenhaal - a caucasian man. Additionally, you could also talk about how the film and TV still tend to perpetuate stereotypes about certain people and countries and often serve as a propaganda vehicle for western exceptionalism (I think Argo). You could talk about how things are getting better too, though.

Hope this helped! I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it.

ShahzoorSafdar (talk)06:27, 27 July 2019