Suggestions for the writeup to help you in your evaluation.

Suggestions for the writeup to help you in your evaluation.

Hi Borna,

Nice writeup on Image segmentation using CNN. I have a few suggestions that I hope will help you. You may consider the following changes:

  • Fill in Build’s On and related pages or remove those sections.
  • Fig 1 and fig 2 seem to be interchanged
  • May be providing a link to Dice’s score might be helpful. What is the significance of it and the ratio that you have specified? What is the intuition behind it? How does the interpretation change with Dscore in fig 3?
  • How does segmentation identify an object when they are not labelled? Or how is a highest scoring region identified?
  • How is a RoI pool layer different than a ROI Align layer. Can you write about that as you are comparing fig 4.a and fig 4.b What does the Mask branch do in fig 4.b?
  • Overview of Paper 1 says that ROI Align and Parallel Mask are discussed before. But they are not. Maybe you should add about it.
  • Why is the accuracy of a pixel classification necessary in image segmentation? What happens if there is an error?
  • What is FCIS? The full form is not specified in the text - but as the fig 5 title. So one needs to search for it.
  • How are the proposed regions of interest identified?
  • One suggestion could be to write paper 2 as paper 1. This will let you identify the problem as “More errors were found in the results of the work in paper 1 because of …. They were solved in this paper 2 by ….” This is the incremental work of paper 2 over paper 1.


SurbhiAmeyaPalande (talk)19:21, 12 March 2018