Eliminate (d)

Eliminate (d)

It would be nice to provide some justification for why (d) is not possible.

Nicholas Hu (talk)08:31, 17 February 2018

Nicholas, it would be very helpful, if you say this to the writer directly, so that he(or she) can correct. Thanks!

Best, Hyunju

HyunjuKwon (talk)19:19, 25 February 2018

Hey Nicholas, which question do you refer to?

AiliShao (talk)06:40, 3 March 2018

It would be

Science talk:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH152/April 2015/Question A 12

HyunjuKwon (talk)06:42, 3 March 2018

Thanks! I have added some proof to explain why we should eliminate (d).

AiliShao (talk)07:01, 3 March 2018

Thanks a lot, Aili!

HyunjuKwon (talk)07:06, 3 March 2018