Eigenvalue Hint

Eigenvalue Hint

We need a hint or two prmopting how to think about how row ops affect eigenvalues. Perhaps using elem ops?

CarmenBruni (talk)04:51, 12 April 2014

I added one, I hope this is ok.

Bernhard Konrad (talk)05:06, 12 April 2014

Needs a bit of work I think. First, never start a sentence with a math symbol. Then I think you really want to say something like "Suppose you had a matrix where the first standard basis vector was an eigenvector. Then go into your spiel about finding a counter example.

CarmenBruni (talk)18:11, 13 April 2014

Corrections made, details added. Have another look.

Bernhard Konrad (talk)23:43, 13 April 2014