Brainstorm: reasons to care about copyright...

  • employers want to know you are following good practice
  • students are hired to produce work on behalf of the university
  • fine print on your contract with the University (obligation as a student)
  • students engage in activities that require knowledge of copyright: preparing presentations using images, writing reports, video with music, etc. (scenarios?)
  • students have rights as copyright holders
  • co-op students need to know about employers expectations re: copyright

What might we want to gather?

  • work-study office may have number of students employed .
  • number of students on co-op.
  • number of undergrad TAs
Cindyunderhill17:53, 2 May 2012
  • Canadian copyright laws are different from the U.S. (local copyright law is always predominant).
  • emailing an article may be a breach of copyright
Cindyunderhill17:58, 2 May 2012