Gender Diagnosticity for the Homosexual Community

I edited my opinions for the second paragraph just some minor grammar suggestions or clean up? but take or leave :)I put in italics what i changed:

People who deviate from socially-constructed, heterosexual gender roles are prone to stigmatization. This stigmatization leads to minority stress, which is the conceptualization of internalized homophobia, stigma, and discrimination (Meyer, 1995, p. 38). Future research could be conducted to examine how GD is related to bullying towards gay and lesbian individuals. Since individuals will differ in their response to bullying, we may go on to investigate how GD affects coping styles in cases of homophobia. One response to homophobia may be concealing one's sexual orientation.(Study Name/Researcher) has found that the majority of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals' stress comes from concealing their sexual orientation. We could look into how GD affects the ways homosexual individuals conceal their sexual orientation.

I think this part is really good but are we now going into bullying or since bullying is already mentioned previously on this page maybe we should focus more on how homosexuals and heterosexuals and their differing GD scores between and within each group can be predictors of future outcomes when combined with their personality traits. This is due to possible different coping mechanisms, lifestyle choices and individual preferences for activites/occupation, etc. (if we do go this way I will look for another reference to support or we can leave as in as the bullying is just an extension of why it is perhaps necessary to look at different groups as it presents possible different life outcomes due to external variables such as bullying and internal variables such as coping mechanisms along with personality traits

NicolaVanderliek (talk)07:16, 5 August 2013

While I do think the importance of the bullying issue is worth discussing, I totally agree that we shouldn't go too much into detail, since it's already been explained earlier in the Future Research article.

And! I was trying to write about the internal/external interaction aspect, but couldn't find the words. I think you did a really good job of that, so yes, that would be an excellent point to include in the final write-up. More empirical support is always helpful, but the studies that CalvinChan have mentioned previously may also be sufficient if you want to stay within the realm of coping/stress.

Schuolee (talk)07:28, 5 August 2013