Questions on Electoral Reform

To adress the hypothesis that "STV did not pass because a significant portion of voters favoured an alternative electoral reform" I suggest these questions:

Q1) How Satisfied with the Current Electoral System in British Columbia 1) Very Satisfied 2) Somewhat Satisfied 3) Unsatisfied 4) Very Unsatisfied

Q2) Are you in favor of Electoral reform in BC? 1) Yes 2) No 3)Not sure

Q3) In addition to the 2009 provincial election, British Columbia had a referendum regarding the adoption of a new electoral system: Single Transferable Vote (STV). How did you vote in the 2009 electoral reform referendum? 1) I voted Yes to Single Transferable Vote (STV) 2) I voted No to Single Transferable Vote (STV) 3) I did not vote in the 2009 electoral referendum 4) I don't remember

Q4) Has your attitude on electoral reform changed between now and the 2009 referendum? 1) Yes 2) No

One problem is the historical element to our hypothesis- were trying to identify what might have caused an event in 2009 by a poll done in 2011. The last question is meant to try and cope with this issue- If we see that most peoples attitudes have changed we would likely need a different approach to prove our hypothesis. Still I feel Q4 does not adequately deal with the historical problem (It might be that a poll is not the best tool for this hypotheses).

RileyPatterson08:40, 8 February 2011