Questions on Electoral Reform

The questions I've seen on surveys (and last semester's survey) are pretty biased. Some of them are supposed to be to get people emotional about a topic which leads to them answering less logically and more on a personal basis. I don't know many people who get emotional of electoral reform (I, for one, do but that's just me) so I don't feel this bias would hinder our research/conclusion (whatever that may be).

Question often use ambiguous terms so that the person being surveyed can interpret a question/term whichever way he/she wants to. In this week's tutorial, some of the questions just ask "how much of taxes does government waste" and "how many in government are crooked". What do the terms 'waste' and 'crooked' mean? It would have different meanings for every person and maybe that is the intention.

I just feel the wording of questions is sometimes purposely vague (that will be my defense for my question, but I don't mind changes to it).

DeanieWong22:54, 7 February 2011