Questions on Electoral Reform

I'm just adding the question suggestions I already posted in our main thread to this thread to keep it organized!

For BC electoral reform questions, I liked what Markus said about finding a theory for why STV didn’t pass – perhaps finding out whether it was STV that BC residents didn’t like or if it was the idea electoral reform they didn't like. A lot of debate ensued post-referendum on whether or not BC residents were briefed properly on the complexities of STV. We could start by asking BC residents: 1) Did you vote in the 2008 referendum to change BC’s electoral system from FPTP to STV? 2) Do you agree with the following statement: Electoral reform in BC is necessary. 3) Do you agree with the following statement: BC residents were not given sufficient information on and explanation of the STV system prior to the 2008 referendum. 4) On a scale one (no understanding) through five (full understanding), rank your understanding of the Single Transferable Voting system.

GraceShaw01:43, 5 February 2011