Who should be given priority?

Sounds like most folks are supportive of a "Prefer not to say" option. With this in mind, and after considering how we can use a preference ordering method (p37 of textbook) in questioning our respondents' preferences, here is my proposition:

Regarding the following three classes of immigrants into Canada, family reunification (FR), economic migrants (EM), and refugee or asylum seekers (RAS), how would you rank the importance of these three classes of immigrants being admitted to Canada?

1.FR<EM<RAS 2.FR<RAS<EM 3.RAS<EM<FR 4.RAS<FR<EM 5.EM<RAS<FR 6.EM<FR<RAS 7.Prefer not to answer

PawelMirski22:17, 6 February 2011