Who should be given priority?

Hi All,

Yes, I agree with Pawel. We should limit this survey question to solely Canada due to the variation of immigration policies for every country. Besides, this is a survey conducted for BC Residents.

Perhaps I was not too clear with my question, I will try to make it more clear this time. Wendy, by asking respondents to rank the level of importance of immigrants is somewhat like my initial question. I think we should ask Canadians to choose which class of immigrants should be given priority since this is an highly debated area in immigration policy. We are interested in finding out which class of immigrants Canadians would agree to seeing more of. This means asking respondents to decide who to favor over the others. For instance, picking Class X over Class Y due to their personal reason Z. I would not include the opportunity for them to state the "other reasons" only because it is hard for us to take account of this variable (at least in this survey) since it varies across respondents. Hence, the "I don't know" or "prefer not to answer" options would probably be more suitable, though I am aware these responses cannot completely act as an alternative to the "other reasons" response, which would definitely be a great option to include for other surveys.

In addition, we should include the "I don't know" and "prefer not to answer" responses because we need to give Canadians the option to choose to not answer since it would be undemocratic and immoral to force citizens to select an answer unwillingly, let alone the potential inaccuracy that could cause! The respondents may have unforeseen reasons that we didn't take into account in the survey or they may not know enough information to answer this question, so it could make them feel uncomfortable by forcing them to answer. The survey will still be accurate despite the presence of the 2 options of not selecting a specific class. *Remember we can program this on SPSS!

Jaime, yes, for sure it's a good idea to take a look at the site you have provided. But many of the categories of potential immigrants fall under the economic class. So I thought instead of listing every category there is, it is more efficient to simply name the broad and more general class there are instead. Please include another class of immigrants to the response if it has not been included, thanks!

(Sorry about this lengthy response by the way!)

AnitaYu04:29, 3 February 2011