Upon Arrıval

Hey guys,

I was just wondering if the questions you guys are asking line up with Jaimie's objective which is to find out the extent to which different different immigrant groups in Canada integrate into Canadian society. Presumably all immigrant groups will have equal access to the tools/programs that allow them to integrate. And just to clarify by tools/ programs are we're referring to stuff like English classes, education on Canadian values, settlement programs right?

Aman, I think your question is important because it measures the adequacy of existing programs, but I think if we're going to understand Jaimie's objective, we need an additional question that measures the extent to which different immigrant groups feel integrated into Canadian society. I'm thinking the only way we can do this is by having two questions:

1) If you were born outside of Canada, what is your country/continent/area of origin? 2)Do you feel that you belong in Canadian society?

The second question is a bit tricky. I'm not really sure what the best wording would be for that question.

Anyways, I hope that makes sense. Let me know what you think.

AmritSanghe07:09, 2 February 2011