The Research Question

The Research Question

Hi guys

It appears as though we all have survey questions but we have not yet formulated a research question that we believe would bring together some of the survey questions presented.

Having read through the suggested questioning it appears as though we are looking to more generally determine whether Immigration is contributive to society in Canada.(if not that is ok we can come up with another overall research question)

Since we are expected to produce 5 survey questions in the end maybe we can pick from the suggested survey questions which ones would help us capture the necessary aspects we would need to consider "contributive." Also the ordering of the questions would help because based on some of the responses we would be able to see whether people believe there has been e.g. greater economic contribution and therefore they may respond that the priority should be on immigrant workers. Below I just sketched out a way we could try using some of the questions we have

Economically-->e.g. do recent ımmıgrants to Canada have access to the tools and/or programs necessary for them to begın contrıbutıng to both the Canadıan economy and socıety ın general? 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Dısagree 5. Stongly Dısagree Do you believe immigration is a positive contirbutor to the Canadian economy? 1.strongly agree 2.agree 3.somewhat agree 4. disagree 5.strongly disagree

Socially-->E.g.Do you believe immigration has improved intercultural understanding within Canadian society?

Concluding-->"Which of the following types of immigrants should be given priority to immigrate to Canada? 1. Family Class 2. Economic Class 3. Refugees/Asylum Seekers 4. Prefer not to answer 5. I don't know "

(Apologies for the length of this)

RUDOMUGWAGWA08:35, 4 February 2011

I think that the conversation you've started here is great, Rudo, and that maybe it can merge with and be continued with under the thread title below of "Immigration as a positive contributor survey question."

PawelMirski05:20, 5 February 2011

Hello everyone,

Yes, I agree that we should formulate these questions with an overarching research question...and then base our survey questions/ hypothesis from there. If we all agree upon one overarching theme of "is immigration a (positive) contributor to Canadian society?" then this would make all our questions much easier.

Emilyleung05:05, 6 February 2011