Summarizing our 5 [tentative] questions thus far

Hi All,

I agree with Pawel's order of 2,3,5,4,1. However, I feel #1 is a bit redundant since it's a follow up question to #4. We may as well be asking if the refugees should be given priority or those who seek for family reunification should be given priority.

There was another question asking if Canada's immigration policies should be reformed to be more generous or more strict. I believe that would be a good question to be included since it does speak about the issue of admission, which is our topic area.

So instead of #1, can we replace it with the question from "possible survey question" thread? Except perhaps rephrase the question so it is more suitable for our survey?

Or sorry, is that already #5 on our survey?

AnitaYu07:03, 8 February 2011