Summarizing our 5 [tentative] questions thus far

Great suggestion Jaime. But I would make a small change and suggest the order of 2,3,5,4,1.

My reasoning for this is that 2 and 3 coming prior to 5 will make the respondent consider the two most politically salient issues of immigration (regarding costs and benefits) on the population in general before answering our most general question regarding the respondent's opinion on immigration. 1 may result in people considering the positive effects of immigration so it should come last since the succession of questions 2 and 3, in my mind, influence a possibly neutral vantage point from which we want our respondents to answer subsequent questions. Finally, 4 should come before 1 because it may cause the respondent to consider all that we want him to consider for related question 1, whereas vice versa may not be true.

If this is satisfactory, in order to finalize our questions, what does everyone think of changing the possible answers of 4 to what I suggested in my last post in the "Who should be given priority?" thread?

PawelMirski03:46, 8 February 2011