Summarizing our 5 [tentative] questions thus far

Hey all, firstly, sorry I'm so late arriving to the game; secondly, I agree with Leo's premise that it would be cool to find out if the respondent lives in a high-density neighborhood of immigrants, but also agree with Pawel's response that it may not lead to as revealing or significant an answer that we'll need given our limited 5-question capacity. I also agree that questions 1 and 4 are similar enough that it might warrant some revisiting; by framing the first question in terms of immigration and finances we may be vectoring the respondent towards a certain set of responses; they might answer question four with question one already in the back of their mind, giving not a biased answer but one they might give in order to be congruous with their answer to the first question.

In response to 5 looking a bit unwieldy, perhaps we could look more at the respondent choosing which class of immigrant they think possesses the best eligibility for admission and ranking that in a '5. Strongly agree, 4. Agree...' kinda format. It doesn't give as complete information but it does narrow down the information we'd be receiving to be more manageable/malleable.

MikeDickson02:03, 9 February 2011