Summarizing our 5 [tentative] questions thus far

It seems like lot's of folks are in support of changing (5), and Dana's suggestion seems to encompass the concerns over (5) voiced in this thread. So, I vote for Leyla and Dana's modification. Also, since no one's voiced anything against my proposal to change the possible answers of (4) to rank ordering, I'm going to input that as well as the aforementioned new (5) in this now-updated 5-question proposal:

1)Do you think that the Canadian Government should give priority mostly to immigrants who are able to invest financially into the country? Answers: 1. Yes 2. No

2)Do you believe immigration is a positive contirbutor to the Canadian economy? Answers: 1.strongly agree 2.agree 3.somewhat agree 4. disagree 5.strongly disagree

3)Do you believe that the policy of multiculturalism in response to immigration is a positive contributor to Canadian society? Answers: 1.strongly agree 2.agree 3.somewhat agree 4. disagree 5.strongly disagree

4)Currently, Canada accepts 240,000-265,000 immigrants each year, which corresponds to 0.69%-0.76% of the Canadian population. Is this number: Answers: 1.Too high 2.Too low 3.About right

  • 5)Regarding the following three classes of immigrants admitted into Canada, family reunification (FR), economic migrants (EM), and refugee or asylum seekers (RAS), how would you rank the importance of these three classes of immigrants being admitted to Canada?

1.FR<EM<RAS 2.FR<RAS<EM 3.RAS<EM<FR 4.RAS<FR<EM 5.EM<RAS<FR 6.EM<FR<RAS 7.Prefer not to answer

  • (5) looks a bit messy to me. Any suggestions on how to clean it up?

Lastly: I was writing this while Leo was also writing. What do people think of Leo's suggestion? I think it's good to vary up questions, but asking people about whether they think a lot of immigrants live in their neighborhood doesn't seem like it would lead to a very revealing answer. Maybe something about how they *felt* about immigrants living in their neighbourhoods? Also, if we change a question then we have to reconsider the ordering again...

PawelMirski23:11, 8 February 2011