Immigration's Effect on the Social Fabric and Economy

Hi Emily. I especially like your second question since it may cause the interviewee to realize a "real world, positive contribution" of immigrants, as opposed to how most general questions about immigration (eg. "Do you support higher or lower amounts of immigration?") that allow a larger amount of imagining. What I mean by the latter is that we can avoid "social desirability" influencing responses, in either a pro- or anti-immigration sense, since your question #2 is applied and asks for more objective thinking than the example question I just mentioned. Regarding your first question, "social fabric" is a pretty vague term, in my humble opinion. Also, in the "Immigration as a positive contributor survey question" thread I proposed that we have a question like this but involving multiculturalism. I know that multiculturalism is a more narrow question than what you're asking regarding social fabric, but maybe a narrower point of focus would allow us to measure answers better? What do you think?

PawelMirski21:39, 6 February 2011