Foreign Investment

I think it would be nice to add some statistics. This is what I have found on the cic website:


The Immigrant Investor Program seeks experienced business people to invest C$800,000 into Canada’s economy and become permanent residents. Investors must:

show that they have business experience have a minimum net worth of C$1,600,000 that was obtained legally and make a C$800,000 investment. Your investment is managed by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and is guaranteed by the Canadian provinces that use it to create jobs and help their economies grow.

CIC will return your C$800,000 investment, without interest, about five years and two months after payment.

So mainly the idea of attracting investors, is to create spaces for work and develop the Canadian economy. According to the statistics of 2009, 2,872 (principal applicants) and 7,435 (spouses and dependants) were admitted to Canada. Keeping in mind that each of them would have invested min. C$800,000, this would be definitely a positive contributor to the Canadian economy and to the society, decreasing the unemployment in Canada. If we give a brief intro before asking the survey question, this would help the individuals to reply more accurately. However again the question should be formulated in more detail.

LeylaJavadova05:39, 6 February 2011