Foreign Investment

Leyla, this is certainly an interesting question. However, I think that we have to be careful about when and where we place it in our series questions. For example, if we mention that financially-investing-immigrants come to Canada, then that may put immigrants in a non-neutral light (ie. a positive one, since 'investors are good') if they were to then be asked a question like the one in the next thread title, ie. "Do you agree that Immigration is a positive contributor to Canadian society and the economy as a whole?" Also, and this is something to think about regarding all of our questions, I'm not sure if we ought to ask questions about increasing or decreasing percentages for specific types of immigrants without giving information about the actual percentages that specific kinds of immigrants/refugees compose Canada's inflow, since, as I learned in my Poli 328A, the public knows very little about immigration issues and thus they wouldn't be giving an 'educated opinion'. Unless, of course, we want to measure only public opinion on such a matter...

PawelMirski05:12, 5 February 2011