Group 3: Case 1, Week 2

I'd be happy to take on the Entry section. The timeline sounds fine to me.

The more I look at the differential diagnoses, the less likely it seems like this is anything but pertussis. H. influenza and S. pneumoniae both cause a bronchitis, but they seem to be mainly opportunistic and there's nothing in the case description to suggest that Jules is immunocompromised. Perhaps we should just focus on B. pertussis?

As far as format goes, the wiki style works for me. I saw a lot of nice figures in papers when I was doing the individual response, and I'd kind of like to hijack a few of them! (with proper credit given, of course)

KevinKuchinski (talk)03:35, 22 January 2015

Great idea Kevin about the figures.

Just a heads up, hope everyone can finish their own section by tonight so others can have the whole day tmr. to look at it before we meet up on Sat. Please post your own section (with your colour) on google docs. and we'll stick with that colour for editing tmr.

Venice (talk)20:45, 22 January 2015

yep kevin I agree thats its B. pertussis. But as you said with H. influenza and S. pneumoniae being opportunistic, I have added a final section under bacterial damages under the heading "Pneumonia". It's caused by those two bacteria in immunocomprimised individual as Venice had pointed out in her work. While your work and my work point out that b. pertussis does produce a form of immunocomprimised state. I have added all of that just to hint at a potential subsequent consequence of bordetella infection caused by the other two organisms.

Also I have merged all of our answers into one part. I did some re-organizing but Im still in the works of making it more cohesive. Take a look if you feel like I should change something (but tell me so I dont get all confused!)

As for references, how are we doing them? I see that all of us did our own way of formatting. I did mine in APA format. What do you guys propose we do??

DesmondHui (talk)04:49, 23 January 2015

Sorry, I misunderstood the schedule. I thought we were going to edit on Saturday while compiling everything for the wiki entry. I'll have my stuff up at some point tomorrow (probably later in the afternoon/early in the evening). I had a memorial service to go to tonight so I haven't been able to get too much accomplished yet.

KevinKuchinski (talk)05:38, 23 January 2015

I am so sorry. I assumed I could see messages without logging in but apparently not... Is there anything I can still do at this point?

WylieLi (talk)00:51, 24 January 2015

Hmmm maybe just look at the completed parts and see if there's anything to add? I should be done with Entry in an hour or two

RiaazLalani (talk)00:54, 24 January 2015

Alright. I'll try to find some illustrations/supplementary material.

WylieLi (talk)00:59, 24 January 2015

Should we do references by section instead of a combined reference section at the end? I think it can be done via RefWorks but still might take a while.

WylieLi (talk)01:23, 24 January 2015

A lot of the references are going to overlap though, due to the fact that we're integrating everyone's sections. So I think it'd be better to have a combined one.

RiaazLalani (talk)01:29, 24 January 2015

Hi Riaaz, I think you might have missed where I said I would take on the entry section. It's pretty much done and I'll be uploading it in a couple of hours when I get home from work.

KevinKuchinski (talk)01:43, 24 January 2015

Oh what LOL I thought you signed up for the Multiplication and Spread section. Should I work on that then?

RiaazLalani (talk)01:45, 24 January 2015

Signed up where? I was kind of wondering why I was the only person who claimed a section on here :P

KevinKuchinski (talk)01:46, 24 January 2015

On the google doc o: Okay I'll work on Multiplication and Spread then I guess

RiaazLalani (talk)01:47, 24 January 2015

Ahh! Just saw the Google doc now. I hope you hadn't done too much on entry already. Do you want a hand on multiplication and spread?

KevinKuchinski (talk)01:50, 24 January 2015

Yeah it's no big deal LOL no worries ~ Uhm I'll see what I can get done based on what's in the Week 1 stuff and I'll likely ask you guys if I need assistance.

RiaazLalani (talk)01:52, 24 January 2015

I made minor edits to the encounter section. Still have to double check the references though.

WylieLi (talk)02:48, 24 January 2015

so how are we going to combine our references? and what format are we using? For my section, i just changed all of your number based references to author with year so its easier to cross-ref later..

DesmondHui (talk)03:36, 24 January 2015

Hm. I was thinking once we have everyone's submission, I can put the reference section in alphabetical order and then use numbers in the actual writing. But of course your method is easiest if everyone is willing to follow it.

WylieLi (talk)03:39, 24 January 2015

Alright sounds good. Ill leave you in charge of the references and double checking then!

Also, kevin and Riazz, are you guys writing on a document apart from the google docs? Not sure if i'm not seeing the stuff you guys wrote or is it actually not physically there haha

DesmondHui (talk)03:43, 24 January 2015

Yeah I made a separate Google doc so that I'm able to work on it without disturbing other people. It gets really weird when people are simultaneously working on a doc and stuff keeps shifting up and down :P

With regard to the references, I'll put them into author by year for my section so that Wylie can format the references easily and there aren't a dozen duplicates everywhere. If he's using Refworks maybe Journal of Bacteriology format would be appropriate?

RiaazLalani (talk)03:53, 24 January 2015

Sounds good, thanks Riaaz. And sure I'll use Journal of Bacteriology format. If anyone is using RefWorks or some other citation manager, an export of the citations would be helpful too.

WylieLi (talk)03:58, 24 January 2015

haha good point about the shifting document.

Yup i tihnk if we do the author year thing, itll be easier for wylie to sort through all of that. I'll help double check the referencing as well.

Ill email dr. kelly about ref. style

DesmondHui (talk)04:03, 24 January 2015

Yeah, mine's in a separate google doc too and I'm just putting the last touches on it (found a nice figure in Nature Reviews).

I noticed someone was able to figure out how to do the references like they are in the actual Wikipedia (hyperlink superscripted numbers that jump to the actual reference in the list of sources at the end of the page). Could we do it like that?

KevinKuchinski (talk)05:12, 24 January 2015

Also, I'll be on campus all day tomorrow (in LSC), so if anyone wants to meet up to give the thing a look-over let me know!

KevinKuchinski (talk)05:27, 24 January 2015

The encounter section has been posted. Please edit it directly on Wiki if possible. Note that the references have yet to be formatted in a single citation method (whatever was given is used). I'll continue with the remaining sections tomorrow.

WylieLi (talk)08:56, 24 January 2015

Sections 1, 3 and 4 are up. I did read and edit the sections as I was posting but do check them again. I'll finish section 2 when Kevin has his references available. Can everyone who already has pictures upload/link them directly in the Wiki entry too please? I'll look for pictures for the parts that don't have any.

WylieLi (talk)20:07, 24 January 2015

I see a few errors here and there in terms of grammar so I'll go through the Wiki and nitpick those I guess.

RiaazLalani (talk)20:22, 24 January 2015

Also the references are only in whatever format they were given in. Should we just stick to one citation method and fix the references? I don't think we'll get a reply on which citation method to use in time...

WylieLi (talk)20:31, 24 January 2015

I think it would be best to just have them in one format, it's not like it *really* matters which method we use tbh as long as we properly reference everything.

RiaazLalani (talk)20:34, 24 January 2015

I already checked the three sections posted on wiki for grammar and content.

For the reference, I agree with Riaaz and I also think it should be in alphabetical order.

So we're just waiting for Kevin to finish the references for his entry section right before we can rearrange the reference lists?

Venice (talk)23:07, 24 January 2015

The Wiki automatically sorts references in the order that it's cited and I already put it in Wiki format. If you do it by alpha order it won't link to the internal link within the entry.

WylieLi (talk)23:19, 24 January 2015

okay that's fine. by the way, how come the figures for the entry are missing. I don't know how to put those figures on wiki. some help?

Venice (talk)03:18, 25 January 2015

Ok I double check everything too and made some edits. Great job guys!

I just realized how molecular Kevin's part is haha but I think it should be good!

I never got a reply from Dr. Kelly so I think this style of reference is okay.

Also I wonder how they're going to mark this? because my section was added onto the wiki by someone else (i.e. she wont see what I did cause I wasn't the one logged on to post it into here) maybe we should have her know about our google documents haha. Unless she monitors this discussion as well!

DesmondHui (talk)05:12, 25 January 2015

Also can someone resize the pics? Or does noone else thinks that they're super huge?

DesmondHui (talk)05:15, 25 January 2015

We get a mark for our entire entry as a group, then we have some peer assessment thing. Also trying to figure out resizing. Might not be able to do it without downloading and then uploading (copyright issues).

WylieLi (talk)05:21, 25 January 2015

hmm yeah thats such a hassle to resize...well it still kind of works haha. Anyways I think we're done? All looks good guys!

DesmondHui (talk)05:34, 25 January 2015

guys, I just found out that we actually got our mark back for week 1 (under internal message) so I think we're supposed to improve on the contents with the comments from prof.

Venice (talk)05:49, 25 January 2015

so you guys might want to check that too to see if we need to change anything here for week 2.

Venice (talk)05:49, 25 January 2015

Yeah she sent us that message in the beginning of this week. I combined our answers together, read some of your guys sources, and added some extra research, so it should be okay?.

If there is anything that I combined from your section that was suggested to be corrected, please do so!

DesmondHui (talk)06:35, 25 January 2015

Do we need to be posting anything in the journal thing this week? ._.

RiaazLalani (talk)06:37, 25 January 2015

The journal thing is optional I believe. We use it for this week (3rd week of the case) to write down stuff we've learned from ours and the others group's wiki. We use the journal as our study guide/notes for studying for the final

DesmondHui (talk)06:40, 25 January 2015