
Hey Guys! I love the table you made Marta! Its so efficient! I think it would be a great idea to include something similar in our group answer, perhaps a "Summary" for number 4, with paragraph responses explaining it as well, in order to meet the profs comment you stated, "lacked detail", how does that sound?

And if you guys are going to be editing this afternoon, I'll be watching the google doc and making small changes until around 4 when I'm out of class and can really get to work!

Thanks for making the Google doc, but I think its "View only" right now so we can't see feedback or change it. You can change this by pressing the top right button "share" and making it editable by those with the link.

Hey one more thing, I'm a little worried that perhaps the profs wont be able to see progress if we're doing it on the google doc? So maybe we should post the new version in the group post every night? Sorry for the long post! Thanks y'all! Woohoo

NancyAttalla (talk)19:51, 22 January 2015

Yeah I'm thinking of doing a table with a brief paragraph as well. Or i can help out with question 3 so the detail is in that and then the results explained in table format for question 4. I'm on my way to Woodward right now to take out a clinical microbio book to get some better insight as I found online the tests are explained vaguely.

I fixed the google doc. You can all now edit it. We can make our progress visible in the comments of the google doc, or create another thread here to try to guide each other?

MartaMroczek (talk)21:01, 22 January 2015

I just put in a section about Bordetella, a combination of all of our information. I put in comments. I think comments will be easiest.

NancyAttalla (talk)00:05, 23 January 2015

Hi guys, I left some comment on the google doc so please comment on that as well. Also, I saw that there are two diseases that you focused on- Bordetella and Psittacosis. Are these the only ones we're going to mention? Or are we putting in other diseases as well?

We had Streptococcus pneumonia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Haemophilus influenzae and Coxiella burnetti in our individual responses. As we said before, we could just briefly touch on the others and focus heavily on Bordetella (which Nancy had already done a fantastic job on thanks!). I don't think we need to include everything but some are good to mention; for example we all had Streptococcus pneumonia in our individual answers for #1. What do you guys think?

I'll be working on #3 today and will be updating the google doc as I do it!

SulmiLee (talk)20:32, 23 January 2015

Maybe just focus on the top ~3, with B. pertussis being the most likely. We can mention the others briefly but point out why they're less likely?

MartaMroczek (talk)21:35, 23 January 2015

That sounds good!

SulmiLee (talk)23:34, 23 January 2015

agreed :)

NancyAttalla (talk)23:47, 23 January 2015

Alright, looks like we've just the last question to go! woohoo 11 more hours! lol

NancyAttalla (talk)21:10, 24 January 2015