TA Comments on Homework 3

TA Comments on Homework 3

Guys, your work is very difficult to read. The whole presentation has no order. Some questions has been done multiple times. I have given you the benefit of the doubt and chose to accept the right answers and discard the ones that are wrong, but this will not be the case next time. Some pointers:

  • Please have a uniform format throughout. It's ok if some of it are on paper, perhaps written slightly differently in style. But please keep your work organized. Right now one has to hunt for each question on your pages.
  • Give thorough explanations. Let your group members read them and see if they get it. The explanation should be clear enough so that you don't need to explain in addition to what's on the page.
  • Questions 1-5, 7, and 14-25 are well written. But the rest are not. Please try to collaborate and help each other to bring the quality of your work up!
  • Read the questions carefully! Do not make any assumptions! Give a little more thought to your answers and check them!
JingFeiYu19:52, 28 December 2010