Course talk:MATH110/003/Groups/Group 08

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Remarks on your contribution to the Basic Skills Project000:05, 15 January 2011
TA Comments on Homework 4020:29, 28 December 2010
Remarks on page creation019:55, 28 December 2010
TA Comments on Homework 3019:52, 28 December 2010

Remarks on your contribution to the Basic Skills Project

Dear group 8,

The TA and I have reviewed your work. Here are our assessment of your work.

  • Presentation: The document is organized, but this whole individual pdf thing makes it less readable.
  • Mathematical content: Long division is only explained for specific examples, what about some comments on general way?
  • Overall perceived effort: Just some examples and some youtube videos, good effort in doing all the practice questions, but other than that, it could be better.
David Kohler00:05, 15 January 2011

TA Comments on Homework 4

Overall good job! While hand-written is completely acceptable, I would recommend that you guys perhaps stick to one way of presenting (i.e. the way you write up the solutions, some of you uses the 4 strategy stages as headings, some of you don't, either is acceptable, just stick to one). Another thing is that for question 3, you made some assumptions. For example, although the clue says that Ed, Pascal Jason, the right fielder and the centre fielder are bachelors, because you don't know who is centre fielder and who is the right fielder, you cannot immediately make everyone except Ed, Pascal and Jason married. So read the questions more carefully next time and give it a little more thought!

JingFeiYu20:29, 28 December 2010

Remarks on page creation

Hi guys,

I had to move the page you created for your homework, you simply created it at the address:

Instead of what should make more sense as:

Watch out for this please, the wiki admins are trying hard to keep the UBC wiki in good order, you're welcome to create anything you want in the Sandbox, that's pages with adresses like:

Or any page related to our Math 110 inside of the course wiki:

Or if it concerns your group, make it a subpage of your group:

Finally, if you want to create something just for you, feel free to create a subpage of your user profile, something like:

Let me know if you have questions. Cheers,

David Kohler19:52, 28 December 2010

TA Comments on Homework 3

Guys, your work is very difficult to read. The whole presentation has no order. Some questions has been done multiple times. I have given you the benefit of the doubt and chose to accept the right answers and discard the ones that are wrong, but this will not be the case next time. Some pointers:

  • Please have a uniform format throughout. It's ok if some of it are on paper, perhaps written slightly differently in style. But please keep your work organized. Right now one has to hunt for each question on your pages.
  • Give thorough explanations. Let your group members read them and see if they get it. The explanation should be clear enough so that you don't need to explain in addition to what's on the page.
  • Questions 1-5, 7, and 14-25 are well written. But the rest are not. Please try to collaborate and help each other to bring the quality of your work up!
  • Read the questions carefully! Do not make any assumptions! Give a little more thought to your answers and check them!
JingFeiYu19:52, 28 December 2010