Exchange Rate (November 7th)

Exchange Rate (November 7th)

This week, there are many factors working in opposite directions in relation to the US dollar. The US is appreciating as a result of fears from Quantitative Easing from the Bank of England.

European debt crisis continues to appreciate the US dollar

Technical anaylsis indicates that the US dollar may decrease initially, and rise later in the week as a result of S&P gains

We believe the US dollar may drop in the short term, but rebound as a result of continued concerns in the euro and new concerns about the British Pound. So overall movement for the USD will be appreciation and the prices of commodities will fall.

YaoChuChen20:59, 7 November 2011

Looks like we're still seeing the USD drop, commodity prices have been increasing. But keep in mind, we've seen this behaviour before in past weeks. slow and cautious increase in commodity prices, followed by sudden sharp drops. The drop is coming, we just don't know when.

YaoChuChen03:20, 9 November 2011