

Hi Mehrdad Ghomi,

I am glad to read your page. I appreciate your work on this topic. I have a suggesion for you. Considering there is another page introducing Reinforcement Learning, you should place more emphasis on the part of function approximation and avoid too much overlapping content with Reinforcement Learning. Further, you should extend section Generalization with Multi-Layer Perceptrons (Neural Network) and compress other parts of your page. For example, you can explain how neural networks can be applied in reinforcement learning, and also talk about the strength and weeknesses of Reinforcement Learning with Fucntion approximation compared to Reinforcement Learning with a Look-up-table. Thanks

Best regards,

Ke Dai

KeDai (talk)06:48, 5 February 2016

Thanks Ke for your comments and feedback, I factored out a lot of the RL content.

MehrdadGhomi (talk)01:01, 15 February 2016