

Hi Sun,

Good work! Your page is very interesting and and informative.

My suggestions are:

  • The images used in the page should be larger.
  • Revise the page and correct the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes (eg. " Two-level matrix multipiliation " in the Implementation section figure.
  • You could add a separate section at the end talking about how the second solution improved upon the first (i.e. describe the incremental contribution of one paper over the other)

Hope this helps,


AdnanReza (talk)05:18, 11 March 2016

Dear Adnan

Thank you for your great support and kindly review as well as explanation. For your suggestion 1 and 2. I have already double checked to enlarge the picture and error spelling. As for the incremental contribution, please refer to the "What are the heuristic" section for the second paper contribution. Thank you

Regards Arthur

BaoSun (talk)20:19, 13 March 2016