Discussion with your page

Discussion with your page

Hi Yu,

Nice to see your page and your contribution to combine the regression, matrix factorization to determine the accuracy for list and item based recommendation. Actually I think the result must be item based because it has a much better granularity than list. Anyway, I have some inquires regarding your page

  • In your paper, you use the average as the aggregate function to link item to list. So you use the weighted average or mean average or other?
  • Can you give a snapshot about how the Goodread dataset looks like and how do you cleanse your data?
  • Can you elaborate your source code or pseudo code for experiment?
  • How do you determine the factor parameters for your regression model in both two experiments?
  • Why do you run the experiment 5 times?

Regards Arthur

BaoSun (talk)20:06, 18 April 2016

Hi Arthur,

Thanks for your valuable suggestions.

For your questions:

1. Current I only use the mean average and will try to use weighted average in the future.

2. I will add some more description of the dataset.

3. I will add more contents in the algorithm part.

4. For regression model the optimization criteria I use is RMSE, and the learn method is Gradient Descent.

5. 5 times experiment can make the result more precise.

Thanks again for your advices.


Yu Yan

YuYan1 (talk)15:54, 21 April 2016