Feedback on Inactive Cookie Mapping via Trail Matching

Feedback on Inactive Cookie Mapping via Trail Matching

Hi Dandan, Thank you for your informative page. I learned a lot regarding how ads are generated on user browsing trends. I have the following feedback which I believe would be helpful:

  • A lot of the ideas on the page were new for me. Some external links regarding those would be of great help
  • The Hypothesis and your contribution were not clearly stated, though it is understood once the page is read through. Explicit mention of your hypothesis and contributions would be a great help
  • The results section could use a bit more addition. A analysis of how algorithm 2 does better than algorithm 1 would be particularly enlighting.
  • I was a bit confused about the concept of noise avoidance. Are infrequent visits totally ignorable. Is there any particular reason why we believe they are just noise? Some insights regarding that would be appreciated.

Thank you for your hard work and such an informative page.

MDAbedRahman (talk)06:53, 21 April 2016

Hi Mehrdad Ghomi,

1. I added some more detailed background information at the beginning of the page. 2. Also highlighted the hypothesis. 3. I added a 10-round test to compare how algorithm2 performed better than 1. 4. Those noises are temporary visit sets, which can not be formed as part of the pattern because those are far less frequent than the real pattern trail.

Bests, Dandan

DandanWang (talk)21:47, 27 April 2016