
Hi Jiahong,

A solid first draft, with good overall organization and flow.

General comments:

  • It is good that you cite the sources of the figures when I click on them; but it would also be good to cite them directly in the page.
  • It would be good to more clearly state which sections are about which paper, and put extra emphasis on what the contribution of the second paper is over the first.
  • I highly recommend an extra proofreading pass. The page is readable overall in its current form, but there are places where it becomes more difficult to read and understand due to grammatical errors.

Section-specific comments:

  • Introduction
    • When you mention the old methods (partitioning and hierarchical), it would be nice to have links to other pages.
  • DBSCAN-definition
    • You have 6 definitions in this section, so the section should be called Definitions <--plural
    • Are the definitions taken directly from the paper? I'd recommend either citing each of them or putting a note at the beginning of the section that they're all from a particular source.
    • You frequently use the terms "neighbour", "neighbourhood", and "neighbor region", and I'm not sure if you're using them consistently. Mixing up those terms can make this section very confusing for people, so please make sure you're not accidentally using one of the terms when you mean another. You may also want to specify what a "neighbour region" is and how it's different from a neighbourhood.
    • I think you mean "border", not boarder.
    • You may want to move your discussion about the drawbacks of DBSCAN into the DBSCAN section as a new subsection.
    • This is the most math-heavy part of your page, and so it is very important that your text is as clear as possible. The figures you supplied are very useful here.
  • Comparison
    • The comparisons you show are DBSCAN vs old methods (performance) and DENCLUE vs DBSCAN (runtime), and you also show a weakness of DBSCAN. However, you don't show if DENCLUE improves upon this weakness. How does DENCLUE compare to DBSCAN in terms of performance?
    • I think you mean Figure 10, not Figure 1-.

Clear skies,

JordonJohnson (talk)01:35, 11 March 2016

Hi Jordan,

Thanks! You always give the most detailed critiques for the page, this really helps a lot to improve the page. I am correcting these errors now. If you have further suggestions, please let me know.

Best regards,

Jiahong Chen

JiahongChen (talk)06:45, 14 March 2016