Personal Archives Thoughts

I hadn't thought that much about social media profiles but that's definitely something to consider! I'll have to see if I can find any articles about it otherwise it will just be me :-P And another good point about what/who is "important" for thought.

Thanks for your feedback!

AdenaBrons (talk)21:13, 31 March 2015

That's an interesting point. I wonder if a mention of the developing area of digital estates might be useful in that section too?

Shyla (talk)16:23, 2 April 2015

Thanks Shyla! The more I write about this topic the more I feel like I'm over looking!

AdenaBrons (talk)21:04, 2 April 2015

Just checking in again to see what you'd done with the digital archives section - obviously this is a huge topic in itself but you've done a really good job bringing it all together. The linking of personal digital recordkeeping to hoarding is so fascinating! Also slightly disturbing when I look at my own practices...

ChristineWaltham (talk)16:55, 8 April 2015

Yeah I rewrote it a couple times because I kept straying into digital preservation which is a topic in and of itself! Glad you think it's worked out. And yes, I'd highly recommend the Chen article. have a few quibbles with the article but it provides fascinating reading.

AdenaBrons (talk)18:04, 8 April 2015