Personal Archives Thoughts

Personal Archives Thoughts

Hi Adena, Great page so far! I really liked your discussion about the theoretical issue/ ideas regarding personal archives, I thought you did a really good job bringing it all together. Have you thought of adding some discussion around issues with social media profiles in your Digital Personal Archives section? Also you might be planning to add this to the introduction to the Diversity and Representation section, but I think going a bit more into general issues about how the archivists decides who is "important" enough to have their records in the archives might really help to frame this section.

ChristineWaltham (talk)19:57, 30 March 2015

I hadn't thought that much about social media profiles but that's definitely something to consider! I'll have to see if I can find any articles about it otherwise it will just be me :-P And another good point about what/who is "important" for thought.

Thanks for your feedback!

AdenaBrons (talk)21:13, 31 March 2015

That's an interesting point. I wonder if a mention of the developing area of digital estates might be useful in that section too?

Shyla (talk)16:23, 2 April 2015

Thanks Shyla! The more I write about this topic the more I feel like I'm over looking!

AdenaBrons (talk)21:04, 2 April 2015

Just checking in again to see what you'd done with the digital archives section - obviously this is a huge topic in itself but you've done a really good job bringing it all together. The linking of personal digital recordkeeping to hoarding is so fascinating! Also slightly disturbing when I look at my own practices...

ChristineWaltham (talk)16:55, 8 April 2015

Yeah I rewrote it a couple times because I kept straying into digital preservation which is a topic in and of itself! Glad you think it's worked out. And yes, I'd highly recommend the Chen article. have a few quibbles with the article but it provides fascinating reading.

AdenaBrons (talk)18:04, 8 April 2015