Minor suggestion to make it more wiki, less research paper!

Minor suggestion to make it more wiki, less research paper!

Hey Chelsea,

What an interesting topic! It was really great to read, I especially enjoyed the section on unique items. I know it was suggested awhile ago, but I definitely think it will help if you were able to break up your sections into smaller sub-sections, because not only does it help to paint a clearer picture of what you'll be talking about in the table of contents, it will resemble more of a "wiki" style (lots of visual breaks) than a paper style (which you've addressed in your replies to the early comments already).

Just as an example, “Goals of Performing Arts Archives” and “Relationship with Traditional Archives” could be sub-headings of your introductory section on Performing Arts Archives.

Otherwise you've got a lot of really interesting content here!

TarynDay (talk)22:39, 29 March 2013

Thank you, Taryn!

If nothing else, I can generally be counted on for "a lot" of content...whether it's actually "interesting"...well, that's a while other thing!

It's a bit discouraging to feel like school is somewhat zapping my ability to write in any style other than academic, but it's definitely more challenging that I expected! These sub-headers are great suggestions. Many thanks again!

ChelseaShriver (talk)03:33, 30 March 2013