More ideas!

Hi Christie,

Thanks for the feedback. I agree with the inclusion of more faiths. The Canadian and American literature is lacking in this regard although many such archives exist. To make up for this I'm using more British sources (The TNA Religious Archive Group has done a lot of good work in this area) I've included a Canadian Buddhist Archives in my case studies as well. I am expanding my discussion both on privacy and the limited access to religious archives. You are correct, it is a unique challenge of faith-based archives. I also hope to discuss how religious archives often exist outside the archival community for a variety of reasons.


KellyRovegno (talk)23:09, 5 April 2015

Hi Kelly,

Your article is coming along well, especially your case studies! One more suggestion: Some more links and pictures might make it more interesting!


ChristineWaltham (talk)20:42, 7 April 2015