Few comments

Few comments

Hi Kelly,

You've got a pretty good layout for this topic so far, I thought I'd suggest a wider range for your case studies (perhaps include some from Europe or the US as well as Canada). Additionally, some history on the development of recordkeeping in a religious context would also be helpful, though of course that would vary depending on the religion.

There were a few proof-reading issues in here too which you can look over, but the main one I'd point out is consistency in "faith-based archives" versus "faith based archives." Just make sure you are doing the same one throughout the page.

KelseyPoloney (talk)21:53, 27 March 2015

Hi Kelsey,

Thanks for the feedback. I think including more case studies form other countries would strengthen the page, so far I've kept to Canadian examples. As far as the history of religious record keeping, I'm working on developing a brief history however I don't want to generalize too much. Some other wiki pages have more in-depth information on the history of religious record keeping which I will link too.



KellyRovegno (talk)21:23, 3 April 2015