
Hey Allison, for sure, the four subject headings under "common archival considerations" are where I was thinking of diverging. I'm trying to think of way to pull out "dislocation/ missing records" which for many of the countries is a result of both colonization and war... I'm wondering if I should just make that ("dislocation") a topic unto itself, in addition to colonization. Hm. Thanks for your comments! -Alison

AlisonWeck (talk)16:30, 6 April 2015

If it's a big concern then I think pulling it out is totally valid! Also, I think your page is looking great. I like how you've added mission/materials/challenges under each country heading where appropriate. The delineation works really well.

AllisonMills (talk)18:56, 6 April 2015

Awesome, thanks, Allison. I'm glad you think so re: the breakdown for each country -- I had considered just lumping everything together but found that made my writing too scattered.

AlisonWeck (talk)20:10, 6 April 2015