Upcoming Webinar

Upcoming Webinar

Hi Cristen,

I am not sure if you are part of the AAO listserv but the Canadian Council of Archives recently announced two extra copyright webinar dates. March 25th is the additional English date and March 28th is the additional French date. The other two dates on March 26th and 27th are already booked up. In case you are interested, here is the link for more information: http://www.cdncouncilarchives.ca/webinars.html

As well, for a different approach to explaining copyright have a look at this video (it's quite funny): http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/blog/2007/03/fairy-use-tale

Good luck!


LisaUyeda (talk)23:35, 20 March 2013

Hi Lisa,

Thank you for the video. It warms my heart to know that someone put in the time to explain copyright in this manner, and it falls under fair use! Thank you also for the link to the webinar. I did see it mentioned in the listserv, and I really want to sign up. But it costs just over $100 to participate, so I think I will let it go this time.

Cristen (talk)04:00, 27 March 2013

I'm glad you liked the video! I had a nice laugh while watching it and I hope it may be useful. Too bad the webinar is expensive, but perhaps next time!

LisaUyeda (talk)03:59, 28 March 2013