

Hello again fellow pod member,

Your page is coming along really well!

I have a couple of small suggestions. As wikis are designed for general readers, I think linking the word "archives" in your introduction would be helpful. I agree with Victor that providing some context to who Luciana Duranti is would also be helpful, just like you did with "archivist Laura Millar." If you do end up referring to others in your text, like Terry Cook, same thing. When one of the archivists and researchers you refer to have either their own website or a Wikipedia page, I think you could also hyperlink their names to those. So for example, Duranti's name could be linked to her website, and Terry Cook to the Wikipedia page on him. Just an idea to provide more context and help familiarize the reader with them.

HannahWiseman (talk)00:02, 7 April 2015

Catching all the places for relevant links is a work in progress—thanks for helping point out some gaps so far (and anticipate others!)

On that topic, do you have recommendations for how often the same topic should be linked? ie. Should 'archival science' or 'Duranti' be linked just the first time, or every single time? Since sections of a Wiki are so often read independently from one another I'm leaning towards linking the first time it's mentioned within a section or sub-section….but maybe that's still overkill.

AmySpooner (talk)03:22, 7 April 2015

That is a good question. I think it depends. I have noticed with wikis that words are often linked at the beginning of each section, like you're thinking of doing and I agree that doing that makes sense due to the way wikis are often read, especially if it has been a while since the last time the word was used. However, sometimes I think the term, person or place only needs to be linked the first time it is used if it is not that central to the reader's understanding of the text (but has been provided with a link the first time it is used due to wiki convention). Hope that helps!

HannahWiseman (talk)22:34, 7 April 2015

It does—for letting me bounce questions off you!

AmySpooner (talk)03:33, 8 April 2015