Soil Physics Paper

Fragment of a discussion from Course talk:APBI403
Edited by author.
Last edit: 00:18, 25 October 2017

sure Matt you could include average data, but just be clear that the data provided includes 2 forest types, and we only sampled 1 BUT you need to be careful - for example the site sampled for bulk density in agriculture had just been cultivated (1st year) and would not be representative. The forest sites were very diverse - the coarse textured site is possibly representative of the Bose soil series but as you saw there was a lot of variability. IF you are comparing Podzols at UBC farm, my suggestion is to use the data provided and draw from what you learned doing your labs in the discussion (rather than using the lab data). Sandra

SandraBrown (talk)17:11, 24 October 2017

Hi Sandra

Then what if the soil series is n.d. do we just describe how that certain soil order would normally be characterized? And are the 2 grass samples included in the agriculture category for comparison?

EmilieBakPedersen (talk)19:15, 24 October 2017

Emilie, I would use the data given. For your discussion you could draw from the literature or from soil series information if you wish to look up that information.

SandraBrown (talk)00:19, 25 October 2017