problem set 3 question 4

problem set 3 question 4

In this question for the calculations, can we assume that the sample is a cube with 0.3m for its dimmensions?

BenjaminWarsmann (talk)20:17, 25 March 2017

After speaking to Sandra, my understanding is that the height is 0.30 m but the area (length x width) is a hectare - so not a cube but a super long and skinny rectangle.

KristieNicol (talk)01:59, 26 March 2017

I'm personally having troubles resolving the issue of units: bulk density is given to us in kg/m3, but the soil sample is not 1m x 1m x 1m, it is 1m x 1m x .3m. This is probably the easiest thing ever, but I can't figure out how to get there.

KF (talk)03:32, 27 March 2017

Possibly this link would help you ?

StevenSkappak (talk)06:03, 27 March 2017

Steven, that is a good example (shown on the link of a fertilizer company). This type of calculation (as asked in the question #4), is needed to recalculate a concentration (obtained from soil lab analyses) to a content of an element, which is used in decision making about application of inorganic or organic fertilizers. Anyhow, here is the explanation that I already typed for similar question re. the question #4.
Question #4 is very similar to the question #4 in the problem set #1.
To be able to recalculate concentration of an element (e.g. Mg in mg/kg) to a content (kg/ha), one needs to know mass and volume of a soil from which that concentration is obtained. Similarly to the question #4 in problem set #1, here you need to calculate a volume of a slice of soil that has area of 1 ha and depth of 0.3 m (which was depth of sampling as specified in the question). Once you calculated soil volume, you need to calculate its mass (using info provided in the question), and then the content of magnesium in the mass of that soil.

MajaKrzic (talk)13:57, 27 March 2017