lab3 #3e

Fragment of a discussion from Course talk:APBI200

Sara, Clay is a tricky term as it can mean 1) clay size fraction, i.e. <0.002 mm; 2) phyllosilicate clay mineral e.g. montmorillonite; or 3) clay soil (i.e. based on the % of sand, silt and clay). In the context of lab #3 question 3, clay is referring to the size fraction, i.e. < 0.002 mm

Now to answer your question: what is the particle density of inorganic particles in the soil?

SandraBrown (talk)15:03, 31 January 2020

i have the same question, but i'm not quite sure what to do with the information prof Sandra has given.

AaronSun (talk)21:30, 2 February 2020