Practice exam #3 - QUESTION 1

Fragment of a discussion from Course talk:APBI200

I'm still working on the other questions, but thought i'd get this started! I tried not to look at my notes or anything, so please feel free to tear my errors apart!

a) Translocations, Transformations, Additions and Losses

b) Translocations: Frost-heaving/ freeze-thaw processes, illuviation/eluviation Additions: deposition (wet), natural and synthetic fertilizer additions, residues, Losses: volatilization, leaching, harvesting, combustion, surface runoff, fixation Transformations: oxidation, hydrolysis, Biological-Nitrogen fixation, decomposition

c) Regosolic- No B horizon (undeveloped soil) Brunisolic- Bm Chernozemic- Ah >10cm thick Solonetzic- Bn/Bnt Luvisolic- Bt Podzolic- Bf/Bhf Organic- Of/Om/Oh (extend to a depth ≥ 40cm) Gleysolic- Bg Cryosolic- Permafrost (B,C) z/y Vertisolic- (B,C) ss/v

JacobBeauregard (talk)17:55, 3 April 2020

For clarification, what is the threshold for something to be considered an addition rather than transformation? I feel like I answered somewhat mechanistically, but in a way isn't decomposition an addition? or it's more like the addition is the actual addition of that material that will be decomposed?

JacobBeauregard (talk)17:57, 3 April 2020

Jacob, try to think about the perspective of the soil profile, i.e. is something added to the soil or lost from the soil versus transformed but remaining in the soil.

SandraBrown (talk)02:32, 4 April 2020